Author Archives: anuj
Forecasting cloud spend using billing exports in Bigquery
The cloud billing export that goes to bigquery does not contain any forecast spend data. This data is present in cloud billing - but not available for export. This leaves…
AWS FinOps – The Basics
AWS FinOps - The Basics - In Practice, how does FinOps work? Now that we’ve covered the theoretical foundation of finops, let us put everything in practice. We will optimize…
Isn’t FinOps just a new buzzword?
Isn't it just a new buzzword? While FinOps may just sound like a buzzword that repackaged Cost Optimization concepts, it does go well beyond that. It includes assigning ownership and…
Cloud Finops Engineer – Stunning visual Billing dashboards
Cloud Finops Engineer - FinOps billing dashboards Billing data is notoriously difficult to understand and parse. Part of it has to do with the nested structure of the data exported…